Seniors spent their early morning moments watching the sun rise at the Senior Sunrise event Friday at Collin Field. More than 50 South seniors gathered at daybreak with their blankets for donuts and juice. Senior Class Cabinet sponsor Courtney Runge said...
A Spanish teacher should not only be knowledgeable in the language, but also have the passion for teaching as well as a deep understanding of...
Being a student and an athlete can be stressful; however, there are ways to balance one’s responsibilities. Six South High students shared...
May 20, 2024
Omaha South High’s football team faced a tough loss against Westview High School during its first game of the season Friday. Although the players...
GAccording to a published 2019 study by the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), “concussions are common in high school football athletes...
With school starting back, the struggles have also returned. Some South High students shared how they are dealing with these struggles...
To help lend a helping hand, South’s Student Council members sponsored a blood drive through the American Red Cross last week. According to...