South High’s Fashion Club is for fashion students who want to expand their knowledge beyond what they learn in class.
I sat down with two family consumer science educators at South – Sara Policky and Mary Breedlove – to learn about Fashion Club, and here’s what they told me.
The club was created by Policky and Breedlove for their fashion students, who are the only students who can join and participate in the club. The reason Breedlove and Policky enforce this rule is not because they don’t want others to join, but for the safety of the students.
When students at South High have the class of Textiles and Design, they are taught the safety measures needed for the equipment which takes a portion of time to learn. This leads to the reason why fashion students are the only students at South High who are allowed to join the club.
The club meetings are held in Room 329, which is the sewing lab, from 3:15 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesdays. Please pay attention to the announcements to learn the specific dates. Activities like planning fashion shows, learning to crochet, design competitions, and field trips are all a part of South High’s Fashion Club. Not only do they have fun with all these activities, but they also help the community out by voluntarily making clothes and other items.
This class also has a lot of benefits such as helping students with their resumes; it also teaches you skills for the future if you want to do bigger things with fashion.