Many students at South High School are involved in activities, clubs and sports, all of which involve a lot of time and dedication. Some of these activities include soccer, volleyball, National Honor Society (NHS), Packer Partners and Student Council. Freshman Gabriela Cabellos and junior Hugo Hernandez Lara spoke about the positives and negatives of schedules filled with sports, clubs and more.
What clubs are you involved in?
Cabellos: I do sports all year-round. I play softball, basketball and track. I also play softball outside of school in a club named Nebraska Force Fastpitch Club. Then I do band for school.
Hernandez Lara: I do two sports: cross country and soccer. The clubs I’m involved in are DECA, National Honor Society, Packer Partners, Student Ambassadors, Partnership for Kids and Student Council.
What is the most time consuming?
Cabellos: So far basketball has taken up most of my time, but I think once track starts, it will take up the most time.
Hernandez Lara: NHS because of all the service hours you have to complete.
What is the hardest activity and why?
Cabellos: So far basketball because I push myself the most but track season might be difficult too.
Hernandez Lara: NHS has been the hardest because you have to find time in your schedule to do service hours, which is 70 hours. Sponsored activities are easier because I sign up for it such as The Children’s Museum. I clean up toys or help kids with the activities. I also help at Liberty Elementary as a non-sponsored activity where I help kids with homework.
Do these activities affect you in school? If so, how?
Cabellos: Yes, it does, because it doesn’t allow me to have time after school or weekends to finish up any homework. Meaning, I have to be responsible in school and finish my work.
Hernandez Lara: It does because you have to have good time management. I try and maintain my GPA and keep up with the work, but with the help of family and friends it makes it easy.
What is the most fun?
Cabellos: Softball is my favorite, because I work hard and I always have something to look forward to, but I like all the bonds I create in every sport.
Hernandez Lara: Cross country because my friends make it fun. I get to travel with my friends, bond with them outside of cross country, and I get to run with them in the “Run Club” in the winter. We go to Scary Acres and Bellevue Berry Farm where we are able to bond outside of cross country.
What are you most passionate about, and why?
Cabellos: I love softball; it’s my sport, but at times I feel the most passionate about track. Track makes me work the hardest, and I have more friends surrounding me. That makes you confident when you think you can’t do it.
Hernandez Lara: I’m passionate about soccer because I’ve played soccer my whole life, and it has always been the biggest part of my life.
Both students have busy lives that at times interfere with school, but they both enjoy all of their activities.