Jordan Templeton began his new position as a security guard at South High earlier this year. Read on to learn more about him.
Tell me about yourself.
I was born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, by my mother. I have three siblings, and I graduated from South High School. I did my service in North Carolina. I was in the marines for over four and a half years stationed at Camp Lejeune. After that I came back home, did a few jobs here and there, and now I am here working at South.
Can you share some of your hobbies?
I like electronics, woodworking and playing the drums. I’m a jack of all trades which basically means I get my hands into anything that interests me like motorcycles, minibikes and a lot of mechanical stuff.
Do you have any pets?
I have a husky mix; her name is Zoe. I also have a little chihuahua, his name is Manjo, and a little cat named Oliver. They are the best a human could have. My pets are my best friends and best companions; that’s why I love them so much.
What activities did you participate in when you attended South?
I was not highly active while at South, but I played piano and sometimes participated in JROTC events.
What inspired you to become a security guard?
I want to provide students with a positive outlook and help them with their transition through school and into adult life. Hopefully I can make a positive impact in their lives.
Can you share your routine at South and how you adjusted?
I adjusted well since I know the layout here already. I really picked up on this job and made friendly relationships with staff and other security guys fast. So, I think it’s working out great.
What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Making new relationships with coworkers and meeting new people and building relationships. I enjoy that, and it’s beneficial to my job.
What do you think is the most important quality for a security guard to have?
Being alert and keeping the students safe. Making sure the hallways are clear, and that the students make it to class are very important, but most important is the safety of the students.
How would you handle stressful situations?
By staying calm and clear minded and not letting anxiety get to me because that’s when you can make mistakes.