At Omaha South High, a group of students who recently arrived from Guatemala are excited to take art class.
Their art teacher, Paula Yoachim, retired from Bellevue West last year, but decided to come to Omaha South to teach art to her students.
“The students are currently working on a watercolor technique chart,” she said. Yoachim explained that they will soon be working on a silhouette and will apply two watercolor techniques to make something more finished.
Instructor John Staller serves as the students’ ESL teacher and provides them with communication and learning strategies to bridge their language gap. Staller attends art class with his students, so he gets to observe first-hand how well they’re doing. He added that he likes being an ESL teacher because the students are magnificent, and they are eager to learn English. “I like welcoming them to America and being a good person to make them feel welcomed here,” he said.
Staller said that the class is learning to communicate, and he is teaching them strategies for English, which helps build their self-esteem.
“The best way for these students to learn is by visual examples and slowing down my instructions into little chunks,” said Yoachim. Yoachim said that giving the students time to explore is helpful, and she can tell they understand.
“Art is a universal language like music. We are able to use art to communicate and get the students to express their ideas,” Staller said. Staller also explained that they use art to teach them the freedom of using their imaginations and understanding the power of their minds.
“The students are always open and seem interested,” said Yoachim. Yoachim said that the students are very appreciative of the supplies and are glad they get to try different art projects. Yoachim also wants the students to create something 3D using clay or other 3D materials.
“I try to feed curriculum by exposing them to a bunch of projects,” said Yoachim.
“Some challenges the students have is the language barriers and getting them started,” said Staller. Staller added that art is a great medium because they will not have to worry about being right or wrong.
To engage the students, Yoachim explained that the students discuss with their neighbors. “I teach the students about art history, and they take notes so they can discuss with a partner,” she said.
Staller said that his favorite part of this class is going around and greeting the students while helping them with their work. “It’s helping the students teach me to be a better communicator and teacher,” he added.
“I am happy that I can continue to teach art. I did not know if I should keep teaching, but I love the art department of South and the community of this school is unlike any other school,” said Yoachim.