Want to stay close to your culture? Join Latino Leaders!
Spanish teacher Gabriela López Lemus, one of many sponsors of Latino Leaders said “Latino Leaders is an after-school program that meets weekly every Wednesday from 3:15 to around 4 p.m., and the focus of Latino Leaders is having a space for students to engage in cultural events that make them culturally aware of the Latino community. It’s a way for them to connect the Latino community through community service and for them to overall organize events, so the school can enjoy these events within their own as well.”
Latino Leaders always has their annual piñata making services for Gomez Heritage Elementary School where they take weeks making and decorating piñatas for the kids to stay close to a traditional activity.
They also have fundraisers. On Valentine’s Day they have a flower fundraising event, and with all the money they collect, they donate to a women’s shelter, specifically a Spanish speaking or a bilingual.
This club is a very welcoming space where you can come and enjoy all the events and spend time with friends and make new friends. A club where you can come play games and do good things for the Latino community.
López Lemus also said, “it is not just a club where you can come play games and go home, it’s a place where we fundraise for a cause, where we create community services within the community and a way for us to be positive examples.”
You can join any Wednesday, and although you may not be up to date with all the announcements, the sponsors are very welcoming when it comes to informing the students about any upcoming events.
This club is a very lively place, López Lemus said. “We always have kids going in and out especially with sports and other responsibilities, but we have a solid 45 students that show up every Wednesday.”
“No, you do not have to be Hispanic or Latino to join, but just be aware that the events are focused on creating events that are focused on Latinos,” she said.
Latino Leaders welcomes you to join any Wednesday!!