The film “Juno,” released in 2007, took the box office by storm. “Juno” is a witty comedy directed by Jason Reitman and is based on a teenage girl from Elk River, MN, who faces an unplanned pregnancy.
Elliot Page and his costar Michael Cera play the roles of Juno MacGuff and Paulie Bleeker respectively, two 16-year-olds who are in a somewhat platonic relationship that takes a huge turn because of Juno’s unexpected pregnancy. Juno, faced with an unwanted pregnancy, begins searching for potential parents to adopt her baby. During her search, she stumbles upon an advertisement for a picture-perfect adoptive couple looking for a surrogate mother. Jennifer Garner, known for her lead in the film “13 Going On 30,” plays Vanessa Loring, the bubbly young wife. Mark Loring, the husband who is in love with the idea of being young, is played by Jason Bateman. A shocker then takes place as things become off between Juno and Mark Loring.
A wide range of songs are included in the film. Not necessarily big hits today, but older songs like “(Ummm, Oh Yeah) Dearest” by Buddy Holly and “A Well-Respected Man” by The Kinks are included. To some, “Juno’s” soundtrack would be considered full of indie rock hits. Songs by other bands such as The Moldy Peaches and The Velvet Underground are also included in the film. “I’m Sticking With You” and “Anyone Else But You” are some songs that have been recently going viral on the internet. Lead vocalist of “The Moldy Peaches,” Kimya Dawson, played a big part in the film’s music and has more than three of her own singles included in the soundtrack.
A lot of the film takes place in Mark and Vanessa Loring’s home, where Juno develops a relationship with her baby’s soon-to-be adoptive parents. The Lorings’ home is an important aspect of the film, but there are also other special settings where major events happen; for example, Juno’s room is where you can see her likes, dislikes and the type of person she could possibly be. Dancing Elk’s High School field where Paulie runs track is another special setting. Obviously, there are more but too many to mention.
Denise: In my opinion, I really enjoyed this film. I think that it’s silly, but still a slightly realistic film that shows the perspective of a teenage girl who has an unplanned pregnancy. I also like to tell myself that even though the main focus of the film isn’t romance, I still believe that Juno and Paulie’s relationship is cute and gives me butterflies in my stomach because of how awkward and cute they are together. But as I mentioned previously, the focus of the film is not romance, but a movie that shows a teen pregnancy involving a sarcastic and individualistic girl coping because of such an unexpected event and just trying to process the whole event. I also really like the aesthetics of the film and the characters’ styles; their outfits are super cute! I would give the film five stars. I’m easy to please and anything with just a little bit of romance will get me to like it.
Aundrea: What I think about this movie is that it shares an important message and shows something that happens in the real world. Throughout, the movie evokes different emotions, and it’s just the right amount of everything. “Juno” is a fun comedy, but there is also some romance. I thought that Paulie and Juno were cute together and meant for each other. My favorite character in the movie was Juno because as a teenager myself, I can relate to some of the things she goes through. Something else I enjoyed about this movie are the songs they chose and how they match the aesthetic of the movie. I give it five stars because it’s the right amount of funny and emotional. The characters are so fun and unique compared to other films I have seen.
“Juno” is rated PG-13 and available for purchase on DVD and streaming services.
Bridget • May 13, 2024 at 11:37 am
I love this article and Juno!
yesi • May 13, 2024 at 10:16 am
we should watch juno tg
bob • May 9, 2024 at 3:03 pm
ok movie i watched it and enjoyed
Kristopher Plascencia-Loza • May 9, 2024 at 2:52 pm
Awsome sauce
Denise • May 9, 2024 at 2:58 pm
You’re awesome sauce
Hugo • May 9, 2024 at 2:52 pm
This article was a 10/10 in my books! I liked how it was very detailed and explained the film. Keep up the good work ladies!
Denise • May 9, 2024 at 2:57 pm
Thank you king