Isiaha Black-Marshalek and Cooper Spencer get their game ready to rock.
Omaha South’s Video Game Club offers students more than just video games.
English teacher Blake Sondergaard, sponsor of video game club said, “this club gives students a chance to make new friends and be social to one another.”
At video game club, Sondergaard said that video game club is a club where they go get along all together and share their love for video games. “It’s also where they go and play video games.” This is what video games are about, he said; sharing their love for video games and playing them.
While joining this club does give them a chance to make new friends and socialize, it makes you wonder how Sondergaard came up with the idea of starting a video game club. Sondergard said the pervious sponsor of the video game club left two or three years ago, “and I like video games, and the club needed a sponsor, so I inherited it.” Even if it was not his original idea, it was a good decision for students who love video games because now they have a club to go to and show their love for video games.
Video game club is a very calm club, Sondergaard said. “The video game club has had as many as 30 students join the club, but throughout the year the numbers have lowered and now there are about 15 students.”
When asked why he joined the video game club, Alex Rowland said that he likes playing video games because the people here are very fun.
Rowland also said students can bring their own game console. “They can also drop it off in the mornings where they will keep the console safe so it doesn’t get stolen; also, you can bring controllers and other things to make the club more exciting.”
Rowland added that other students should definitely join the club. “This club is a lot of fun, not a big time commitment, and super fun!”
Cooper Spencer said he joined the club because the club allows you to have fun as well as play games, and it’s also a good way to get the weekend started.
Because the club meets on select Fridays after school, “video game club opens up to the weekend, and it is a way to continue the routine.”
He also encouraged people to join. “If you join this club, you get a chance to meet new people and enjoy time outside of school to relax and have fun.”
So not only will you share the same passion and love for video games, but you also get a chance to meet new people and make new friends while playing video games!