Denise Stephanides
There is more to new South High math teacher Denise Stephanides than you think.
She said one of the most special moments in her life she would like to relive is giving birth to her children. Crazy to think that one of the most painful parts of becoming a mother is something she would want to relive, yet that is the moment she chose.
Stephanides said she had always heard wonderful things about South High’s students and staff and was influenced even more by South High English and journalism teacher Deana Colón. She chose to transfer here from Blackburn Alternative School and also mentioned how South Principal Jodi Pesek had been the former principal at Blackburn and how much she liked her.
As a new teacher at South High, Stephanides said she had to make certain adaptations to her work life. Now as a teacher at South, she said she is choosing to learn Spanish as there can sometimes be a language barrier between her and some of her students. Not only that, but she said she has also had to adapt to a larger number of students in her classes.
Math has always been an easy subject for Stephanides, she said, adding that her favorite math is algebra. A little silly fact about Stephanides is that her favorite kind of music to listen to is Yacht Rock, a type of easy listening rock music that was popular in the early 1980s. She said her favorite song is “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas.
Other than being a great new math teacher at South, Stephanides said she is involved in community activities at her Westside Church where they host a music program that she participates in. At the church, she’s in the orchestra where she sings and plays her clarinet. She told me how they are preparing for their Christmas pageant.
In addition to being a part of the orchestra group, she also said she enjoys baking delicious breads and cakes. Recently she also started decorating and icing her cakes. While being on the topic of sweet pastries, Stephanides said she prefers sweet over savory any day. She likes chocolate so much that she will eat any kind of chocolate and enjoy it to the fullest.
Even with her preference toward sweet delights, Stephanides said her favorite kind of food is Italian. She believes Bravo! Italian Kitchen is the best place to purchase delicious Italian dishes. And even though science fiction is her favorite genre of shows, movies, and books, her top show is the NCIS series.
Stephanides added that the time she has spent at South so far has been genuinely nice, and she enjoys the students and staff.
“Out of the four schools I’ve worked at, South High has been the best.”