Today’s Packer Pets of the Week are brought to you by sophomore Jorge Calderon Cerna. Here is what Calderon has to say about his little seed eaters.
“Here is my pet submission, and my pets are birds with two of them being parakeets and one being a cockatiel. Their names are Lightning, Sky and Cinnamon. The male is Lightning; you can tell their gender through the patch of skin that is located on their noses. The male’s color is blue or a pink, and the females have a brown or white color of skin. Lighting’s partner is Sky. Sky is a little older than Lighting and loves to fly around my house. Both of them are passionate with them cuddling, feeding each other, helping prune each other’s feathers and kissing each other. Finally, there is Cinnamon. We don’t know his gender yet because he requires a gender exam, but that’s not important because Cinnamon loves to sleep and eat because Cinnamon is still young and loves to fly and sing.”