Magenta Sorensen
All students at South High School love music; I mean, who doesn’t, am I right?
Music has helped many people to interact and socialize for decades. Even in the 1800s, people used music and dancing as a way of socializing and making new friends.
There’s one problem though; there are so many diverse types of music today that people may not know who their favorite band or artist is, and that’s OK. It’s a big world out there filled with many people who share music tastes; therefore, a few of South High’s students agreed to share a little about their favorite music genres.
Freshman Jacob Torres said his favorite music genre is rap. If he had to trade his music genre for another, Torres said he would choose trap or rock, reasonable answers as a rock fan myself. Trap music is a subgenre of hip-hop that originated in the Southern United States. When asked why he likes rap out of all the music genres there are in the world, Torres said it’s because “it’s faster paced than hip-hop while keeping all the meaning.”
Sophomore Sonia Cruz said she likes country music. Cruz’s reason for liking country music is because her mom plays it in the car, and she has grown up with it. Cruz said she realizes that a lot of young people her age don’t like country, although a few people at South High do.
Sophomore Yulissa Ramirez said she prefers R&B. Ramirez said she likes R&B because she grew up on it. “It’s the music I’ve known for a long time,” she added.
Ramirez said she believes other people would like R&B too if they only tried it. “There are a variety of artists, and each one of them takes it to their own rhythm.” When asked if she would trade her music taste for anything else, she said no, but she’s open to any of the latest music recommendations.
Every person has their own likes and dislikes in life, whether it’s country music or even old blues music. Most everyone loves to dance, sing or just tap their foot to music that sounds good. Music has been shown to be healing, so put in some headphones or just connect to a speaker and listen to some music you really enjoy.